Signed in as:
Signed in as:
By becoming a member of Sing out Strong, you acknowledge that you have read, and agree to, the following Terms and Conditions and you enter into an Agreement between you and Sing out Strong LTD (Registered in England and Wales Company No. 13530638).
This Agreement commences as soon as you have clicked the CONFIRM button at the bottom of the Join SOS form here. You may not transfer this Agreement to anyone else. The Agreement terminates only when you leave Sing out Strong in accordance with section 5. LEAVING POLICY below.
All Sing out Strong LTD choirs aim to create a safe and positive environment for their singers. Therefore, you must meet the appropriate standards of behaviour required to enable such. Any negative behaviour will result in the immediate termination of your place in the choir, with no refunds being made. This includes all rehearsals, performances, publicity events and any instances when you are wearing clothing that identifies you as being a member of Sing out Strong LTD.
Your property is your own responsibility at all times; Sing out Strong LTD accepts no liability for any lost/damaged goods, for damage to cars parked at rehearsals and concerts or to any damage to your person caused by activities at Sing out Strong LTD.
You are responsible for your own personal wellbeing, including drinking water, COVID safety and toilet breaks. It is your responsibility to organise transport to and from rehearsals, performances and events and to ensure that you are fit and well enough to take part in any of our activities.
It is your responsibility to keep us up to date with your emergency contact details via our Members’ Portal and to let your conductor know if you will not be attending any rehearsals.
Occasionally, we may take photographs and/or videos for publicity purposes. You must agree to your image and voice being used as such.
All music remains the property of Sing out Strong LTD and you must return any scores if you leave your choir, so that they may be reused. Original music remains the copyright of Emma Rowland, Founder and Owner of Sing out Strong LTD.
All members should respect the leadership of the Conductor/Leader; the decision of the Conductor/Leader is final. All members should respect the position of Sing out Strong LTD support staff; any abuse, either verbal or written, will result in immediate termination of your membership with no refunds given.
The ethos, artistic style, wellbeing techniques and musical ideas created by Sing out Strong LTD remain the property of Sing out Strong LTD and may not be copied, borrowed, replicated or adapted in any other use or circumstances.
You should be punctual to all rehearsals, concerts and events.
While you are a member of Sing out Strong LTD you will be granted access to our Members’ Portal. This is where you can receive news and communications from your choir and access sheet music and a number of learning tracks for your songs. You must not pass this material on to anyone else. When your membership is terminated, or if you do not pay your fees, then you will lose your access to the Portal.
The cost of choir fees is set by geographic area in the UK. We reserve the right to alter fees at any time and will give you a month’s notice before doing so. Fees are inclusive of VAT and must be paid within fourteen days of invoice. It is your responsibility to ensure that you pay your fees on time; failure to do so may result in your membership being terminated. It is also your responsibility to ensure that funds are available to pay.
Update from January 2023:
The exact costs are: SOS Ross on Wye (Border Belles), £7.50 a session;
SOS Dinedor (Harmony Singers), £7.00 a session; all other "village hall" choirs £7.00 per session
NB: When you first join your choir, you get one FREE taster session.
- Whichever week you join choir, you will be charged pro-rata for the sessions remaining in that half-term, minus your free taster. We accept new members all year round,
- At the start of each half term, you will be sent an invoice via our Members' Portal for the number of sessions scheduled in that coming half term. Please may sure to pay your invoice within 14 days.
There are no carry overs or refunds if you do not attend rehearsals. If Sing out Strong LTD cancels a rehearsal due to unforeseen circumstances, then either a replacement Conductor/Leader will be found, the session will be moved to Zoom or the session will be rescheduled. We offer a PAYS system for singers with diagnosed mental health conditions, to make our sessions more accessible.
If you wish to leave Sing out Strong LTD then you must let us know in writing, a minimum of 14 days before the next half term begins, so that we can remove you from our system. You are responsible for notifying us that you wish to leave via email to - if you simply don't show up then we will continue to charge you. Similarly, if you simply wait for the latest invoice to decide to leave, then you will continue to be charged. Sing out Strong LTD reserves the right to take action against you for any outstanding fees and will also seek to recover any costs incurred in doing so.
We use some third-party applications to run our membership database at Sing out Strong LTD however, your personal information, including contact details, will never be passed to a third party for misuse.
By joining Sing out Strong LTD, you agree to be contacted by us for publicity, updates and opportunities relating to the company, via email and/or telephone.
Sing out Strong LTD reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and your membership at any time, and without warning, if it is in the best interests of the organisation and its members, or if you fail to pay your fees or breach the code of conduct. Sing out Strong LTD does not have to explain the reasons behind such a decision.
This Agreement is governed by the law of England and Wales and you should save a copy of it for future reference. Sing out Strong LTD reserves the right to amend this Agreement at any time, without notice.